Photo Tips

For the best passport photos pay extra attention to grooming before your session. Remember you will have the same passport photo for 10 years. If you need a haircut, have it done about a week ahead. Men should  trim unruly facial hair, beards, and mustaches. Women can apply mascara, blush and clear lip gloss for a more polished look.  Shiny skin is detrimental to passport photos. Do not apply moisturizers or creams that leave your skin shiny. If your skin is oily, shiny, or perspires heavily, you should dust it lightly with cosmetic powder. This goes for men, too.

Choose a shirt color that flatters your skin tone. An orange or deep brown shirt goes well with gold skin tones. For pale skin try a navy or dark green top . Olive or dark skin looks great with vibrant shades of red or blue. Mid-range and darker, solid colors such as blue, brown, gray, red, and green are best for men and women. Long sleeves are recommended.  Stay away from tank tops and spaghetti straps as you will look undressed. Avoid busy patterns, large amounts of white, and very bright colors.  Conservative clothing will flatter your face. You want to draw attention to your face and use your clothing as a frame. Simple, classic styles will not look dated as styles change.

Glasses are no longer allowed for US passport photos and unusual facial expressions are forbidden. For the best passport photos leave your sad face at home. A quiet "Mona Lisa twinkle" is wonderful, as is a genuine smile.